
Here are some testimonials for you to enjoy:

"This is a big beautiful, "SHE IS SO AMAZING," shout out for ​Katherine Gerardi.​ S​he has been my spiritual support this fall through so much revolutionary transformation. We just had a session that cleared a whole constellation of energy that I have been struggling with for decades. I will be giving myself the gift of her sessions as a Solstice self care present! She is a master at what she does. Thank you so much beauty! All Love, Always, Holly"

(*update 24 hours after that session: text message 'I have brought in $5,000 since we cleared my money blocks yesterday. OMG.' )


"Katherine is a powerful reframer and has the ability to often see challenging situations from a bigger perspective... What a Gift! She is a transformational coach and a genius at what she does!" ­



"Katherine, you were guided to me at a time I needed you most. I am so appreciative you were willing to take on such a big job: career, relationships, spiritual growth. Your intuitive approach is always spot­on; (at times inconvenient) forcing me to look at the things I wanted to ignore. Your time is invaluable – I am so grateful for the insightful questions you have asked, each answer leading me closer to becoming my best self. Without your wisdom, patience, and absolute lust for life, I would still be quite lost. You are the best sort of Life Coach – warm, caring, angelic, and committed to your purpose. I truly believe everyone could benefit from working with you." ­

Morgan D.


"Katherine is the most divinely inspired and ethereally anchored healer. She has the ability to intuitively sense the truth and core of an obstacle and to immediately call in exactly what is needed to move through and beyond what has been directly placed in front of us. Today I felt hopeless and powerless as I faced what felt like heart­wrenching and insurmountable challenges wth my daughter and ex­husband. One phone call with Katherine changed everything. I went from giving all my power away to reclaiming it. I went from feeling heartbroken and lost to remembering who I am. I went from a loss of trust in the divine to recalling my faith and love of the divine. I sat here in tears, feeling heavy and sad... and I now sit here in my heart feeling peaceful and powerful and ready for what is ahead. I'm so grateful for the love and guidance of this amazing woman, healer, powerhouse. She is invaluable to me as I step forward on this path that is unfolding before me. To have the support and guidance of such an inspired soul is the most amazing gift." ­



"When I talk with Katherine, I feel like it's not difficult to see a whole new perspective of myself, my situation, or whatever moment I'm working through. Suddenly all the intense and strenuous effort I was putting in to "figuring it out" is shifted and I see things clearly ­ not the way I intended and not in a whole new way that seems like digesting someone else's opinion and totally abandoning your own beliefs ­ but just a clear and organized way. However, something happens when the shifting begins... I feel enabled to drop the things that don't serve me (things that stand out in my struggle as a hurdle) and I feel myself wonder for a second if I should hold onto those things that don't serve me ­ but then, because of the way Katherine walks you through the awareness, I just naturally let go... THAT feeling is what I get when I receive her coaching ­ the freedom to look at something that doesn't serve your highest potential in your evolution as a woman and not wonder if you should hold onto it for a second longer. That feeling, I believe, is the foundation to self love and respect.

Sure, Katherine helps me work through the immediate issue at hand, (man drama, difficulty with a work dynamic, etc), but what she's really getting to is a deep seeded pattern that emerges time and time again, but in different shades. Gently, and without demand, she asks me to look at things that were right in front of me the whole time, and see them a bit differently. In those moments, the feelings of power, self acceptance, self appreciation and bad­assness takes over, and I feel like I've always wanted to feel ­ free and okay with the world as it is with out needing to change the world ­because I am going to be the best me in this world, and not wait around for everyone else to get their shit together...just be my beautiful goddess self. I can't be that woman unless I have a clear path ­ and that's what Katherine does ­ she clears the path, points out things I've missed, and opens my mind to a whole new way of living in my head ­ by tapping into my soul.

Thank you Katherine ­ you blow my mind and I am so grateful for your work!" ­



"Katherine heals from another paradigm. Traditional healing is around clearing beliefs, pulling or transmuting old energy and downloading higher energy and beliefs. Katherine focuses on changing perception which really supports the notion of our own perfection. Truly we are always perfect and all energy is perfect. It is our perception of energy that causes us to create in ways and forms that can feel harmful to others and ourselves. What is truly clever about her work is that it bridges the span of multidimentionality. A higher aspect of ourselves understands the notion and ease of simply changing our perception, however we are still connected to lower dimentionality that subscribes to the ego and attachment. Her work honors and supports the 3rd and 4th dimentional aspects of our being in subscribing to a higher dimentional shift. A more loving and powerful way to be, heal and create in the world. Healing and teaching in one." ­

Laura B.


“Katherine may well be the most loving, giving and thoughtful person I have ever known, and this is the foundation of her tremendous drive, wisdom, and courage to reach higher and higher levels of living and learning. Her passion and purpose is fueled by the love and exceptional depth of empathy she has for others and her intense desire to see them shine. In many ways, Katherine is self­less, often times at her own expense, and sacrifices greatly to provide whatever is necessary to see those whom she takes care of prosper.

She has overcome many and various kinds of obstacles in her life, yet has always adapted, evolved and transformed. She has accumulated a treasure chest of wisdom through these ordeals and has shared and provided tremendous inspiration to so many others. She leads by example, having a work ethic second to none and spending her personal time in the grateful service to others. She may well be the most fearless person I have ever known and always moves forward with a well thought plan, yet with the wisdom to adjust and respond to new events like an elite athlete.

Katherine's courage to make difficult choices and to act on them, her courage to transform her world both for her own betterment and for all those she loves, and her compassion for others and for nature make her a very beautiful human being. She is a teacher and she is a leader, and her heart of gold somehow has a rippling effect which makes this world a brighter place. The real beauty of this is that she always extends a warm and wise hand and pulls others along with her to brighter places than they thought possible. Socially, along with her exceptional thoughtfulness, she is both delightful and extremely humorous in a way that makes others laugh and feel good about things. It really is a true honor to know her!”

­Kevin J. Crosby, Financial Professional


“In the past four years, as I have morphed from allowing others to control my life by my own choices into a human who controls his own life, Katherine Gerardi has been a profound Guide along this path. Katherine has always been there during all of the key moments of an ongoing transformation into my own strength and power. I am now in a place where I call all of the shots. I credit Katherine's spiritual guidance as one of the strongest key factors in achieving this result which I couldn't imagine even one year ago. She saw it before I did and helped me keep the faith. You wish to create the strongest faith in yourself? Seek Katherine Gerardi out and discover the powerful results beyond what you imagine for yourself right now.”

Greg Frucci, Author/Speaker/Adventurer/Architect


I wanted to write you to tell you the tremendous impact working with you has had on my life. Being a high achiever and career oriented person, I consider myself successful in many areas of my life. After many hard years of building my career and juggling a family I realized (the hard way) that I had not been actually taking care of myself. Self­ care was low on the list of competing priorities.

Following the proper protocol of modern day medicine, I worked with a therapist for over a year but was unable to break through some of the life challenging issues that were affecting my core being. My primary care provider was also pushing for me to take prescriptions to dull the pain of transitions. The life­ long learner in me told me to study up on and participate in alternative wellness and healing. I couldn’t be happier that I chose to open up and heal my soul as well as my body. My life is filled with peace, joy and light.

Since working with you for over a year, our weekly sessions have helped me to clear out so many issues from my past and face my fears. The emotional healing has rocked my world both personally and professionally. Your ability to listen intently and work through issues around fear, masculine and feminine behavior and other positive/negative energy is very soothing and unbiased.

I have made changes in my career, my relationships and my own personal growth. And while having made all of these changes was no easy task, your guidance has meant so much to me. All of the worries that things would not work out have melted away and I have a new paradigm of structure for my life. All without the modern treatments of medication!

I would be delighted to speak to anyone on your behalf for a reference. The work we have done together cannot be defined in monetary terms or other words that would limit the benefits I have received. I am truly grateful to be blessed to know you and work with such a talented person.

Blessings, Cathy"


"I have this amazing friend, soul sister, bad ass warrior Goddess... Actually I call her, ‘The Solution Goddess’. Her name is K​atherine Gerardi​and she is a true gift to the world! She is a transformational coach and many other things, and I share this with you because if you or anyone you know is in need of support emotionally, mentally, spiritually etc. this clear channel and powerhouse of a goddess offers personal sessions over the phone that can change your perspective and your life! She is currently offering incredible package deals.... Katherine's presence and wisdom in my life has changed the way I look at the world, what's possible and the relationship I have with myself! Contact her personally if you have questions or want to receive from her... It is so worth it!" ­



"Now I've been offered a full time position making the most I've ever made ever!!!! And it's like above the median average for the area by $7,000 per year!!! I have a flexible schedule and great benefits and paid time off :))) KATHERINE (I hope you're reading this) it's exactly what I asked for. I also met this amazing man who is so loving and soooo sweet and kind and really really good in the sack 😉 all I did was believe that big things could happen and I could have everything that I wanted. I believed that the universe was working with me to make my desires come true and all I had to do was go with the flow and manage my thoughts and self-talk. I am very grateful to Katherine because she helped me a lot. I invested in myself by asking her to do her life-coaching work with me and I can't tell you what a big difference it made in helping me make big changes in my life. " - K


While not a therapist, a high recommendation for the work of Katherine Gerardi, who is an emotional alchemist. Her work with me has been quicker, more effective, more transformative, and more fun than any of my experiences with therapists. If you’re looking specifically for a therapist I apologize for the red herring, but if you’re looking to sort stuff out and feel better then I highly recommend her work.


“Katherine Gerardi....,

What do you truly need in your life? Call her!

She can remove blocks, tune into you like she’s known you forever, and work some kind of profound magic that shifts your current situations so that you can step into your life and create what you really want!

Sounds like woo-woo.... yet she’s powerful, dynamic, no mess around loving “coach”!

She’s assisting me, clearing a pathway as i take one step at a time, letting go of fear and anger to create a profound business and finding my true love! OH YES SHE IS!” - JR


"Katherine's work is otherworldly. Huge, profound shifts made with gentle, harmonious healing energy. She is accessing, harnessing and weaving creation energy with a loving, elegant hand. A healer who is able to play on an advanced stage. If you are ready to stop playing small, Katherine is your girl." ­



“After the love of my life died suddenly and unexpectedly, the universe brought me to Katherine. When I started working with her I was a complete mess. I didn't want to be here anymore, and really had trouble finding any meaning in my life. I spent most of my days on the couch, navigating PTSD symptoms, and barely surviving. The shock, grief and trauma ruled my life. I also was very aware that my physical body was experiencing this trauma and shock, and that my spiritual side had also suffered a major blow with this loss. I knew I needed much more than a traditional coach or therapist. Katherine is neither, but is so much more! She works at all levels - mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, energetically. In the early days, my sessions with Katherine were the only moments where I had of any sense of relief. From our very first conversation, she understood EXACTLY how I felt and could put words to my feelings better than I could. And I felt relief and gained a new perspective from every single session.

Now, years later, Katherine is still a critical part of my personal development and I still have sessions with her 2-4 times a month. Beyond helping me with my grief, trauma and shock, she's also supported me in creating a new career and starting a business, dealing with family issues, several moves, anxiety, my pets, and now even...a new love. I seriously cannot imagine what I would be doing or how I would be feeling if I had not found Katherine. Losing this man was a horrific experience but I have a brand new life that I love, and Katherine has been an integral part of that. The work we've done together has truly been a miracle. I am forever grateful for her, her gifts, and her service. She's the real deal -- magical, intuitive, sage. spiritual, real, nurturing, hilarious, someone who can open your mind to a new perspective, a truth teller, and one of my favorite people.“

Liv L.


There are many more. Process this and we will speak soon. Be like water, stand like bear,


Katherine 'KG' Gerardi | Kaat
Coach | Emotional Alchemist | Speaker | Game Changer | Artist