Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Why baby whales cry when born. Start washing ego to remove attachment to thought.

Fretting separation from true nature is why the baby cries.

When you find yourself washing ego away, you can then remove attachment to thought.

Swim into the truth of why babies cry upon 'birth'. Dive deep beneath attachment, shake thought from your fins, and swim into the blue sea where underwater ego sounds fade.

When navigating duality, our reflections are first troubling, but soon dissolve into the sea.

Downward ‘rays of light’ reach deep into the sea of creation. As ‘creatures’ of the soul-ocean, we swim in the knowledge that ‘light’ is the sensation we feel when other sea-be-ings provide information to their environment.

If this underwater sonar-ping of a fable resonates, choose to boldly dive into unlearning. The sovereignty, peace, and oneness you reach will have you soon laughing in the watery playground.

Thinking over and over is akin to surfing a whirlpool.

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