Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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No need to 'make a difference'. Relax, nothing is left undone. Snails slide selflessly.

Snails become present as their belief systems dissolve.

Just when will you start sliding around for sliding sakes?

Discover your resistance to selflessness, and come to the place where nothing is left undone.

Follow the snail trail to X'Tzu's Zoo.

‘Mollusks in flow’ await!

The snail is a metaphor for our creeping recognition that we don’t have to change anything. The ‘glasses of perception’ sit upon the counter, representing how perception itself skews the reality and judgment of what is unnecessarily thought of as ‘right or wrong’. The whisky symbolizes intoxication with our own creations. The character ‘XTzu’ can be sitting in the distance.

We kick back, apparently doing nothing… yet nothing is left undone.

Forcing the tide is a fun game to play… for awhile.

As the tide ebbs and flows, sometimes we convince ourselves it was of our small-selves sole doing.

Then, the moon laughs at us, followed by the sun snickering at the moon, and so forth…

We see the sanderlings and willets pecking at snails and sandcrabs, and know what we subjectively view/hear/perceive resides only in our prism. Still, we understand that these small beach birds are essential as well - for ‘their’ vibration is transposed by our illusory-like ‘vibration’. The colors, fluttering, probing… and all of our reactions and emotions are but formulaic response of the real us, the observer creating its interpretation. To take a step back, these birds vibrations then ‘appear’ not real. BUT… their desire and Will are. Vibrations are energy (or matter…depending on your point of reference where matter/energy are the same). Consciousness is the constant. Now, why have these ‘birds’ came to our recognition? From what timeless locale? What brought them here, now, in front of us? Their awareness, their observer… does it watch the compressed dance of our timeless, formless, single point interaction? Ours ‘appears’ a dual dance, which ultimately ‘is not’. Here we embrace the statement that we can sit here doing nothing, no thing, yet nothing remains undone.


At first, we may have such a limited view of our totality that only the smaller-self gains credence in the minds eye. But soon, the essence of ego grows, and creates a feel-good social proof that seeks to enhance the power and separation of the lower from the Absolute-self.

We tell ourselves that we’re ‘making a difference’, which is a product of the ego that seeks to effect an illusory ‘outside’ change, rather than create a new reality from the source bond of the observer-creator.

Where any attempt at making a difference becomes ‘trying’, resistance shouts at its facilitator to take a chill pill. This resistance approaches time as if something is not done now, then ‘it might never be done’. As the observer understands resistance is a tool, their focus draws out, realizing all things, events, and desires are manifested when placed on an unlimited timeline. At that point, we relax, knowing we’re in a playground, and situated in a place where we don’t do much of anything, but nothing is left undone.

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