Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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What can an ant teach you about the control system? Learn how you give your power away.

Ants are ranchers of aphids… they have their ‘human’ counterparts that do the same.

Aphids… like many people, chose to ignore that their ‘attention’ can energize other Wills desires.

Science becomes the new religion of the ranched. It gives the ‘aphids’ a false certainty so it can feel great in its unconscious entropy. The '3rd law of thermoaphidics' is only meant here as a play on science, not to be construed literally, but metaphorically. The allusion speaks to those who do not realize that the scientific method can only disprove. Although, 'science' is one of the best ways of moving forward inductively, by its very own admission in method can never deliver that which the 'aphids' so much desire... and that is certainty. The metaphorical 'ants' are those who are married to duality, and who utilize promises of certainty (through religion [creator queen], science, intellectualism) to obtain compliance and consent from the 'aphids'.

There is always choice, most often out of reach of recall and recognition, and made long before its consequences.

The ‘rancher’ ant uses the ‘glasses of perception’ and the ‘intoxication of ego’ to get others to work for its wills desire. The addiction of the 'aphids' is certainty. The addiction of the 'ants' is the inflamed ego seeing its reflection as greater than the one who cast that image. Remember, analogies are always imperfect... that's why they are an analogy ; ) 'Language' itself is a tool to navigate the playground. When not understood for its limitations, the imagery of intoxication become relevant. Hence, the wonderful double shot of whisky in the photo... one or two is quite sublime. The whole bottle - quite another matter!

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