Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Time and ego float upon the shoreline. Unattached to time, you're free from that which comes & goes.

At X'Tzu's Zoo, time and ego are floating about the shoreline...

Fly with us, detach from that which comes and goes.

Looking forward to seeing you, kicking back on the sand.

‘I am now unattached to time, free from the the tidepool of creatures that came and went, and emancipated from the ego that suggested I was like the jetty rocks supporting the entire story.’

Thought is its own mirror. Once a thought or distinction is made (for convenience), a whole slew of other events take place… such as time and ego. A thought is literally a set of reflecting mirrors that bounce the ‘creator’ back and forth within it, until the mirrors are broken.

The moment you consider or act within any ‘thing’, you step away from a bit of presence.

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