Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Explore suffering from grief, suffering from anger & soul amnesia. Journey into ego states explained

Learn how to break the chain of suffering.

Suffering happens when you are unaware you chose to be here. Learn how to break the chain of suffering from grief and suffering from anger, converting it through emotional metabolism into manageable, passing pain.

There are thoughts created by frolic, and unexamined thoughts created by failure. The latter shuck n jive us into believing we’re in a prison instead of a playground.

Even one sentience embracing the playground is reason enough to keep duality as the recreational theatre we chose to participate in. This experience doesn’t have to be considered another universe. We can rejoice in the knowing it remains forever good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative, selfish and selfless. When perception’s aware it’s duality-based, experience lands in the playground. With this recognition, it stands outside a billion prisons, listening to those inside yammer about getting out. For if it becomes forgotten, it becomes a cell with you in it.


You can unchain your ego whisperer, and walk in peace with one foot in the playground, and one foot out.

When you slide into playground soul amnesia, the experience becomes more and more cage-like. If you have both feet in the grounds, you begin to lose your bearing. Seek to have one foot in and one foot out; that way you know what and where you are. From this vantage the flame of creation is wielded, presence is achieved, and the ego stays tame.


In the playground, sandbox mandalas are created. Each appears to dualistic eyes as destroying or modifying the one that came before. The eyes and egos imagine creation and destruction as if they're two separate states (viewed from one wills perspective), when in fact they're actually one.


Soul amnesia is a gift and a curse… depending on which perspective you’re viewing it from.

When you suffer from grief, perception becomes limited.

Here, logic and reason are useful duality-only navigation tools… but they’re still limiting. That’s why we emancipate ourselves through the Theatre of Unlearning, and return to the present by refining timeless awareness within Playgroundia. We know most our thoughts aren’t ours, and choose liberation by placing attention on the timeless moments between. This ignites the Twin Inferno State… the coexistence of soul in duality and spirit of singularity – one foot in and one foot out.



When the ego-bound seek power for powers sake, it’s important for them to persuade other souls to believe discomfort and pain is ‘suffering’. When beings consent to their suggestion, the skewed landscape consolidates their new masters ‘vision of creation’. 

When a soul chooses to unlearn its programming, suffering disappears, seeping away and opening deeper connection within the Twin Inferno state. This is where heart’s entrenched in unattached spirit, and the ego-launched necessities of Wills attempting to force their scripts become passing annoyances. Here, you sit in your knowing while anchored to joy, with or without the material ownership, desired experiences and relationships, or ego needed status.

Language gets in the way as the words 'pain' and 'suffering' are erroneously used synonymously. Suffering is exactly that... identifying with ones larger-self with an inflamed ego (making a distinction between that and the natural ego we 'play' with here in the playground).