Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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The Lonely RV

We’ve been in the present, we can and do return, for our essential self has never left.

Kaleidoscope sunflowers line the road as we imagine our body a shiny RV.

As Airstream Souls, we drop by roadway attractions, asking ourselves, “Do we have the nerve to venture out, or is it just too comfortable here?” Yearning for a different romp, we used to scan old travel guides, sometimes seeking exits on overpasses. Indeed, when the vantage of our essential-self and small-self was hazy, our trance folded relative maps so they’d look like absolute territories. Picnic’n on the railroad we clang to life & death. Seat-belted to fear, we parked too close, pretending we didn’t know why the doors wouldn’t open.

Having once been outside the RV, we wondered why we remained behind the wheel. Lead-footing, no story got us there. The noisy clicking of dashboard clocks and roadway reflectors had to be ultimately unreal. Consenting to suggestions in language and thought, tapping our fingers, we lamented, “If we could only have one foot in, and one foot out of the vehicle, we wouldn’t need memories.”

Fortunately, rooting around in the glovebox un-nestled the 10 Mile Maintenance Plan. Under cab light, it was clear we’d drove in and out of the trance many times. Thumbing through, we knew we’d do it again… when we chose. Realizing we’d been there, could always go there, and were there, we asked, ‘How can anybody be present with us if we’re NOT there?’

Where’s ‘there’?

Well, it’s a huge National Park… with soul-trailers stretched to an infinite horizon.

So now we pull over at the timeless-view lookout, where all the honking and swerving loses substance. There, we re-discover the road as mind stuck behind the windshield, a thought-process believing creation more valid than itself, an observer seeing their rearview reflection and thinking it themselves. Freeing ourselves now, riveted hypnosis meets its crowbar. Words as dust… no-mind emerges from intoxicated visions of being the lonely RV. Wipers engaged, tired thoughts are swiped away - for time and distinctions are not us. When our breathe fogs the window, we adjust the seat and change the itinerary. The real ‘us’ cruises above the blurred landscape of salvation, saving ourselves.

We smile at soul amnesia, for memories no longer color the creation process. Here, time and dread evaporates… except from the self-appointed ego-ensemble known as the Managers of the Tourist Control System. As we declare the journey ‘a simple road trip’, they plead for us to continue the lore. Peeling out, another chainlink breaks as the stuffed Jackalope is tossed in front of another driver. Windows open, our small-self is lucidly seen as the mysterious rabbit/half antelope itself! Behind us the avoidant skidding and resulting gridlock occurs in time, the impermanent traffic trance. Speeding away, its reflection shrinks.

Within the park, there’s many ways out - yet the best is to stay ‘in’. Trail blazing, we smirk, returning to what we were and are. Present, we laugh at the certainty that our Airstream is all that is. We spring clean the RV’s soul, the ‘new agreement’ having vistas only prior seen through dirty windows. Parked in essential nature, we’re cool with our overalls getting holes, as we now drive on and off-road, expanding perception… or removing it entirely. The ‘Airstream’ is the body-soul, while landscape are experiences created by other Wills. Considering ‘How creation and destruction operates’ reveals the traffic of our larger and smaller-self’s reflection in the narratives we pass. Trailers, cottonwood, stream beds, and Joshua Tree ghosts are sometimes paired to an ego’s desire, calling to other souls to assist in solidifying the dream.

RV’s, flowers, clouds, and humans are highway intersections. Changing gears, the soul-ego disconnects its experiential hitch from motion, thoughts, feelings, and stories. Our Airstreams glide as we gaze at each travel and traveller radiating our ‘light’, while reflecting others. On this trip, blooms shimmer in as many soul-beings as one is willing to see. Each bud, flower, and leaf blows in small-self wind… some detaching from branches while others cling in reflective obstinance.

We’re on a journey of the soul, no matter how lopsided the drivers seat. Wind and sun on our faces… we declare; “I’m the consenter to maps and the co-creator of territories. I’m the driver - free of memory attachments, regardless of whether they’re from this lifetime’s travels or another.” The vision reverberates center console as we pull over to take walks on paths of surprise.

Footsteps! Feel and hear them going in and out of our RV.

Pull over and dig into the glove box for metaphors and terms;

Airstream/Trailers/RV/Recreational Vehicle - used here as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as body and soul. 

No-mind - The state where thoughts may or may not occur, yet the observer embraces their choice, placing their focus and attention according to their own desire.

Wipers - A metaphor for anything removing or minimizing perceptive filters, including belief systems. The consequent act of choice that seeks to REMOVE levels of trance state.

Seatbelt - A metaphor for self-enforced ideas and behaviors used to reinforce belief systems.

Time - A symptom of thought and conjured distinctions, engendered from higher Wills, and co-created by the unquestioned premise of complicit observers. 

Thought - From the absolute vantage, the first distinction is thought.

Soul - The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human ‘brain’).   

Roadway/Road/Travels - Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. 

Jackalope - Any’thing’ that is created by thought and its component desire

Road - are a metaphor for the any journey, or set of perceptions fit into a framework of time and space. Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process

Journey/Road trip - A metaphor for the experiences within the temporal distinctions of thought, space, and time. The beginning and end of these experiences may be labelled with the transient distinctions of life and death. Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. Same as ‘Travels‘, ‘Trips‘, and ‘Time‘.

National Park - Analogous to the ‘perception of duality’. The ‘National Park’ has a special connotation that illustrates the beauty of that which is not usually considered acceptable or ‘that of a spiritual nature’. Still, the term is an emboldened word that speaks of peace in a place that is usually considered ‘chaos’ (a concept that is most often misdefined and ignores the essence that all motion is ‘caused’ by Will.)

Clock - The constructs and unexamined language and assumptions that imply that time is not created by thought.

Playground - The term used to describe the optimal experience of duality. This Playgroundia is the ‘place’ and ‘vantage’ of having a mastery over the relative dualistic world, and walking in the peace of the ‘Absolute’ (see def).

Fence - The transition point between the vantage of the Absolute and the perception of the relative (see def). Within the imagery we use a variety of fences to symbolize the choice and recognition of their dance.

Creations - A thought ‘created’ concept implying its own existence and the solidity of time when there is none.

Truck stop trinkets

Perception - As identified within the Alchemy Lounge, Playgroundia, and Twin Inferno, ‘perception’ is defined as the process of observing that occurs only within dualistic, relative playgrounds. Perception is created by filters and templates that guide the observer into belief systems of consent. Perception is maintained by consent, self-created desire, the process of ‘in-form-ing’ through ‘other’ souls ‘light’ creations and Will (conjuring spell-craft), thought, thought-forms, egregores, godforms), and agreed upon tuned resonance and categorization within the imagined parameters of distance, time, and space. 

Managers of the tourist control system - is a phrase which represent a singular Will and a universal Will that engages in higher rebellion. He uses techniques that reinforce his and others delusions, including kabbalistic creation, illuministic magic, thought control, language manipulation, the support of illusion, misperception, and the encouragement of self-blinding behaviors.

Dirt Road/Off Roading - a place and method of traveling where the soul see’s itself as transient, views its experience within the confines of ‘trance’, and approaches its being as residing within a playground.

Temporal - That which is related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process. Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. All duality, all ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.

Small-self - A term used as a literary device to indicate the transient perception of both the natural ego and the inflamed ego. The ‘small-self’ perceives through the templates created by itself and other Wills.

Reflective and Radiant Light - The subjective sensation and interpretation an observer may make when information is delivered from other thought-forms (see def). This ‘light’ may be subjectively experienced as ‘red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, indigo, and other frequency sensations the mutual wills have consciously or unconsciously agreed upon’. 'Light' is a sensation, the resulting feeling one gets when receiving the Will of another creator. When considered reflective, it represents the will of another fractionalized Will. When considered radiant, it represents your own fractionalized Will.

Soul -The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought 

Overalls - An item of clothing that represents the aspects of the personality that are thought of as being the real you, but are nothing but symptoms of an experience. 

Absolute - Only the space ‘between thoughts’ can embrace the Absolute. The ‘Absolute’ is placed in the context of ‘absolute and its subordinate relative’. This does not imply a dualistic relationship, as the ‘Absolute and relative’ are not mutually arising (see def).

Relative - A term used as a literary device to indicate all ‘things’ that are found in duality, including viewpoints that suggest yin/yang mutually arising concepts where it’s inappropriate to do so. The relative is always arrived at from the vantage of the ‘brain’ (also referred to as the ‘Stetson’ in some Twin Inferno stories). 

Entranced/Trance - Used to indicate any-thing, or any thought, belief system, or perception that is symptom of small-self. We do not ascribe value or worth to such state, just varying levels of awareness that accompany its depth. The trance state is associated with word, spells, mind, ego, things, belief, thought-forms, egregores, god-forms, creation, and perception.

10k mile maintenance and repair plan - A phrase alluding to the intermittent, yet disciplined plan to regularly ground oneself, give thanks, forgive oneself and others, reconnect to nature, and inspect/adjust/remove incongruent belief systems.

Perception - Defined as the process of observing that occurs only within dualistic, relative playgrounds. Perception is created by filters and templates that guide the observer into belief systems of consent.

Rearview Mirror - All interpretations of senses, as well as thought-forms (see def) including scientific theories, social conventions, religious and political dogmas, that we incorrectly perceive and believe to exist outside our own and others thought creation. 

Break your attachment to memory. These recollections aren’t you.

Within the playground we find an infinite amount of soul-trailers parked to the horizon of our creative intent.

Depending on our attentive choice, sometimes ‘flowers’ will appear to have more soul than the ‘Airstream’ we travel within.

The barriers of the mind have many places to step through.

Ha! We are not unlike the mysterious Jackalope or lore ; ) (Jackalope is half Jack rabbit/half antelope)

Trailers, cottonwood, stream beds, and the ghosts of Joshua Tree are but warbled reflections of each other. When we walk about the landscape of spirits, we sense the desire of ego wishing to be more than it is , and calling out in the wind for any other soul that might assist it in solidifying its dream.

Grab the handle of our Airstream soul. This simple act opens the door to a richer spectrum, where colors seen from our ‘new agreement’ open up vistas we only once saw through the window.

Fields of blooming coriopsis show as many soul be-ings as another may be willing to imagine and encounter. Each bud, flower, leaf, and stem blows in the winds of their small-self… some detaching from branches while others cling in reflective obstinance.


“I’m on a journey of the soul, one of my choosing… no matter how uncomfortable the RV I’m driving. I’m on a journey of the soul, no matter how twisted the drivers seat has become. I’m the creator of maps and territories. I’m sovereign - free of attachments to memory, regardless of whether they’re from this lifetime’s travels or another.”

Suggested Journey

Pull your vehicle over and take a walk on an unknown path (even if it’s 100 ft). Listen to your footsteps. Feel them, hear them, and imagine going in and out of this journey. Let it reverberate deep into the center of your being.

After-thoughts about Being Present

Have you been looking to obtain presence, doing all the necessary things, working on yourself, taking courses, exploring ritual, plant medicine, cognitive reframing, utilizing great coaches, removing sensual and sexual blocks, dissolving old emotional wounds, clearing energetic bottlenecks, changing your perspective, co-creative technologies, changing your body image - yet to date, you haven’t found that state? 

Ask yourself right now, HOW could it be that others may have what they want right now, but you do not.

You’ve been asking yourself, WHY is it that with all these efforts, you feel no closer. 

Do you know what being truly Present means?

Do you know how to become actualized and present in any moment?

The answer is rather simple. If it doesn’t work, change the recipe. You… are the key. You must have the tools ingrained to be fully present at any moment. For how can anybody be present with you if you’re NOT there. What is your relationship with being in the present? Are you truly open to understand why your manifestation efforts are not actualized (hint you need to understand the structure of creation itself)?

If you can’t answer these questions correctly (and there IS a correct answer), you must learn to live and feel these reframes, knowledge, in a full body way.

After this, your world simply falls into place. You no longer try, and everything comes.