Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Nothing is ever explained, only labeled.

Contradictions found within perception reveals much, and only occur within the confines of our ‘aluminum hull’.

‘Philosophy’ is the journey of placing labels to ‘explain’ things and processes that puts our distinctions further from the acknowledgment that we are their creator. Philosophy chases itself in attempt to make some-thing ‘outside ourselves’ appear as if it wasn’t a symptom of our creation, consent, and observation.

Like a sticker stuck on a bottle of Boones Farm, nothing’s ever explained, only labeled.

Know what else?

Most Rte 66 travelers don’t know who or what they are, or even where they’re going.

We see them leaning out the window, hollering, 'If you can do anything, you can overload an Airstream so it can’t be pulled by any truck.'

Then they argue, “If there’s an Airstream you can’t pull, there’s something you can’t do.”

That’s right, the tourists are blind; standing in the middle of the road, unaware their growing reflection is from the bumper of the Peterbilt about to run them over!

Got to love those perceptive contradictions.

The Metaphors;

Traveler - is the term for a soul.

Tourist - refers to one who subscribes to one or more belief systems.

Airstream/Trailer/Aluminum Hull/ - Although an Airstream is an aluminum travel trailer, it is used here as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as the body and soul.

Peterbilt -  This brand of semi truck represents the unstoppable flow of tao, the Absolute, the essential nature.

Explanation - refers to actions used by a swollen ego to establish a deeper intellectual trance state. In this case, through double-downing on the thought-process to solidify the reflections it creates.

Omnipotent Paradox - Here, the parable illustrates that the ‘omnipotent paradox’ represents more than just contradiction. It is the symptom of thought watching its own reflection, and being attached to the notion that it can provide a knowing that resides outside of the temporary distinctions of its own thought process.

Note about Twin Inferno and Texas Taoism

This isn’t philosophy, as that attempts to explain. Here the very notion of explanation fails to tell you that all explanation is based in belief. These very beliefs simply place you back in the same location you came from. All explanation is based on thought, the same thought that has confused you, the same thinking that wants you to remain in the impression that thought can assist you in reaching your goal. What we do is unlearning, not philosophy, not explaining. Although we do have instances that can be referred to as ‘explanation’, they are little, and mostly used as tools to create contradictions in the thought process so we can arrive at a place between thoughts.

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