Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Airstreams parked between the rising and setting sun

Early one morning we stepped from our trailers, convincing those nearby to go on a road trip. There was promise of adventure, an illuminated experience... we gave our word and the word was with us.

Driving Eastward, sun rays bent around our vehicles, creating shadows and textures to fill the eyes of those behind. When ‘light’ streamed through their windshields, it vibrated in energies perceived in every color of the Tequila Sunrise. Yet in actuality, the horizon's radiance was simply the light of the world we were creating. It was here that those who were caravanning came to believe their RV’s solid.

Perplexed, those further back in the convoy opened a CB channel, asking, “Uh, Rubberduck… what’s light’s substance… is it the source of promise and hope, the information provided by other Wills, or simply our sensation of prior consent?

As long as the roads vibration filled their body, it provided entertaining dreams and entrancing silhouettes.

Now the inside of our RV’s were decorated with sol art - hanging smiley suns. Looking through the window we worshiped our small-selves when the sun rose and set. Having imagined distinction upon ‘sun’, duality’s image was emboldened.

The essential nature, Tao and territory played host to roadside templates; conveniences mapping entranced highways and intersections. Whether trucking at 5 or 75mph, thought’s ‘sun’ shined brightly. Wherever its’ illumination fell; there were metaphoric, esoteric, and hypnotic suggestions of ‘soul’ and ‘separation’.

With souls consent… steering wheels appeared to have our hands driving a wheel of time, encouraging minds’ vibration to be labelled ‘light’. In the churches and schools we passed, sun worship displayed its many masks.

Soon, a vision of clarity sideswiped…

We had pulled to side of the road.

Parked, we stepped outside where intellectualism and religion were skinny dipping in the motel pool. As eavesdroppers, we heard normalized and occult sun worship egoistically suggest ‘Absolute is relative’ in purposeful mischaracterization of the mutually arising.

Within the Airstream of our sun-souls, the desire for indestructible RV’s was driven by worship. This ‘worth-ship’ served to honor and venerate bigger rig mirrors - all to solidify the ‘soul’, glorifying deeper, exciting thought-forms. Seeing we served creation and forgot its source, ourselves, we realized how hard we worked to diligently enhance trance. So much so, when we saw its reflection we’d proclaim…

'What a beautiful creation! My god, would you look at that sunset!'

Gazing back at our Airstreams exterior; thought reflected the self-facing mirrors of sun and soul, while the entranced concept of soul resided in its reflective distinctions. There in the trailer park of dreams, the desirous higher-will conjured Airstreams, bodies, planets, moons, suns, and stars through the agreement our caffeinated egos called light.

As the soul consented and enjoyed the trance (having forgotten to step outside the trailer), we engaged in the U-turn of soul worship (sun worship). That’s why entranced drivers swore they were ‘en-light-ened’. Indeed… they were! The use of roadway words ‘soul and sun’ was their signpost. These distinctions marked intellect and knowledge, which mistook the reflection of reality for essential reality.

For certain travelers the road never ended. Not even an infinite stack of maps could reach the intelligence of knowing. Wondering ‘why?’… they eternally wandered from convenience store to gas station, as newly purchased maps were never enough.

Standing with one foot in the Airstream and one foot out, it was clear our trailers needed a rig to pull them, like birth needed death. When the hitch ball disconnected, our temporal soul became clear.

Parable contains the following metaphors and terms;

Airstream/Trailers/RV/Recreational Vehicle - A metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as body and soul. 

Rubberduck - An example of a CB handle, or nickname.

Sol Art - Funky artsy castings of suns and sun rays that sometimes have faces.

Sun - The word ‘sun’ is considered to be a SMTS (subconscious multi-term suggestion), in that the subconscious of those who absorb its additional associations are implanted without their awareness (ie; sol, sun, son, soul). We understand the use of this SMTS is due to ‘past’ sun worship and current ‘son’ worship, although both are merely suggestions that appear from the first creations of thought. The sun, son, sol, and soul all set and rise again, which imply temporal (see; temporal def), transient, dualistic, thought constructed space/time-based beginning and end, birth and death, existence and non-existence.

Soul - The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human ‘brain’).  

Those parked nearby - represents souls who are desirous of experience

Morning - A momentary spark of attention that is self-aware while not necessarily self-realized.

Road Trip - is the experience one has when playing in the dualistic trance-state playground of life and death.

Eastward - indicates the choice to focus attention on some-thing.

Tequila Sunrise - The first distinction which is sound (“God Spoke and there was Light”). The first thought is sound, sound vibrates, vibrations are energy that ‘glows’ to ‘the process of observing’, subjectively interpreted as light, light forms shapes, colors, angles, numbers, letter.

Horizon - A destination that never arrives when you head towards it.

Radiance - Perception by other souls who have consented to acknowledge creations (distinctions) manifested and conjured by other Wills.

Light - The subjective sensation and interpretation an observer may make when information is delivered from other thought-forms (see def). This ‘light’ may be subjectively experienced as ‘red, green, blue, yellow, orange, purple, indigo, and other frequency sensations the mutual wills have consciously or unconsciously agreed upon’. 'Light' is a sensation, the resulting feeling one gets when receiving the Will of another creator. We 'see' what we have consented to 'see' and what we are then 'tuned'. The 'small-self' hosted in the relative (see def) plays in the realm of light and dark, and all that mutually arises.

Solid - An aspect of perception that indicates the density of perceptive agreements within the dualistic trance state.

Silhouettes - The perception and experience of multiple souls creating upon each others desires, and conjuring new 'things' through what appears as creation and destruction through the entranced eyes.

Birth and Death - The temporal, dualistic observations of that which appears to ‘come and go’, are illusory-like transitions of form observed in the trance state, and reside within the relative perspective.

Disconnect - A metaphor that speaks to the removing some or all of the trance state within a dualistic experience to clearly see that what were once distinctions have been stripped down to their essential nature of being no more than conveniences for enhancing the experience of duality's playground.

Temporal - That which is related to the creations of the mind, thought, and the thought process. Temporal constructions are never considered ‘spiritual’. All duality, all ‘things’, including vibration, energy, matter, images, angles, numbers, including ‘souls’ are considered temporal.

The word was with me - A quote that partly describes the process of ‘creation’ and subsequent perception. The image above features an Airstream which represents the transient soul and body. The tow vehicle symbolizes ‘choice’. The waters of the flood are an allegory to the ‘creative void’ which our Absolute-self designs as playground.

Window/Windshield - A metaphor of the field of perception that our own and others journey’s are perceived. The window is partially characterized by the ‘brain’ (process of observing) AND the temporal (see def) energy which the brain subjectively interprets into its own ‘reality’.

Time - A symptom of thought and conjured distinctions, engendered from higher Wills, and co-created by the unquestioned premise of complicit observers. 

Thought - From the absolute vantage, the first distinction is thought.

Roadway/Road/Travels - Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. 

Entranced/Trance - Used to indicate any-thing, or any thought, belief system, or perception that is symptom of small-self. We do not ascribe value or worth to such state, just varying levels of awareness that accompany its depth. The trance state is associated with word, spells, mind, ego, things, belief, thought-forms, egregores, god-forms, creation, and perception.

Perception - Defined as the process of observing that occurs only within dualistic, relative playgrounds. Perception is created by filters and templates that guide the observer into belief systems of consent.

Essential Nature - The actual ‘source’, essence, identity that transcends all thought created abstractions regarding what ‘you’ are (see definition of the small-self ‘you’ spelled with a lower case ‘y’). It also can be considered the negation of all experiential based identifications (whereas ‘you’ are not what you do, what you look like, what you feel, what you ‘think’). The essential nature stands alone as the actual You (see definition of the large-self ‘You’ spelled with an upper case ‘Y’). The essential nature incorporates the observer as a ‘component’, which feels in the present, but can be obscured by the process of observing, and may mistake the observed as something more than the creation of its and ‘others’ thoughts. 

Vibration - The illusory-like appearance of shape, length, trough, crest, within those ‘things’ (see def) we define as ‘energy’, and ‘energy’s waves within ‘matter’ (see def). Within Alchemy Lounge and Twin Inferno allegories, ‘vibrations’ are considered a symptom of the small-selves attention and perceived movement through the relative playground.

Thought-forms - Thoughts that congeal a particular system of belief which take on a ‘life’ and ‘energy’ of their own. Thought-forms may reside in different ‘energetic’ forms and intensities. Created both consciously and unconsciously, they can attach and modify other thought-forms.

Maps - A ‘fractal singularity’ where all things are overlapped, including but not limited to any experience, concept, object, time, distinction, category or section of matter or energy, symbol (including letters and numbers), whether simple or complex that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. Used as a term to form contrast for the metaphor ‘Territory’. 

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