Twin Inferno I Playground for Taoists, Mastery, and Sovereignty

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Dusty Windshields

Dusty Windshields

Wash perceptive windows to see acts of choice and the nature of time.

We’re squinting! 

The sun’s ahead, glaring.

It’s hard as hell to see the road through filthy windshields. So thinking ourselves clever, we install stained glass. 

Here in our somewhat sacred Airstream, time’s a temporal landscape… rushing by. Now the ‘National Parks System of Reality’ suggests our current mapped perception is the Good Book for judging past and future. From the pew, the observer believes the vision is greater than itself. 

Yet outside the Airstream, when the observer moves toward a new point of attention, the fractal iconography is rewritten. Feet on the ground, the ‘miles to the next rest stop’ sign is now blank. Whether trucking I-5 or even 95… the dream-stream’s journey is one criss-crossing trip. Walking from the church of status quo communion we awaken from time’s attachment. The mapped scripture kept us ignore-ant of driving in a game. Thoughts confine, and Airstream eucharists are temporary distinctions.

Comparing the map to the scene out the window, we see in terms of time. Its house of worship diminishes when we, the observer, parks. At the viewpoint, new perceptive manifestations genuflect.

At popular mountain tourist stops packed buses line the cliff. Traveling parishioners peer through tinted windows. What they experience is filtered, by consent. Many observers spectate through the same body and eyes, but believe themselves alone. In actuality, the coming and going personality is not themselves. Here, many sightseers thumb the rosary beads of entranced time, attempting to overcome identification with body and soul. Upon success, they redecorate the configuration of their travels. The observing tourist must first see themself as timeless to change the trip's itinerary. Aloof from shape, the structure of thought created universe is rearranged.

It takes bus loads of self-deception to believe those disinterested in driving between thoughts haven’t made that choice. Respecting it’s they who made that decision, we need not convince - for nothing’s left undone. 

In the bell tower, time is ‘consented to’ intersections created by other Wills. In the nave and in front of stained glass windows; the soul is a place of filters, the process of observing. Baptized in time, one steps out to know what perception is, and how it’s created.

Parked outside the truck stop with a cold one, we ask; “Where we driving next?” 

Then, honoring choice, we calmly shift while the radio sings…

On the side of the road sat a steeple of time

a church of the vacant, the deluded and I

let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us…

Hopeless and helpless we never were taught

our Airstreams are visions sitting on blocks

The lord mechanic will help us

be not distraught

let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us…

After the break down, call to the overall’d man 

Unhook our suspenders with your oily hands

we bow our head, to pull us from sand

let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us pray, let us…

Careen off the road, into ditch washed away

those with their crutches they do pray

they do pray, they do pray, they do pray, they see…

Reflections in bathrooms of Airstreams and trailers

now floating about… as Captain or sailors

To resonate with this fable, drive into the following metaphors;

Airstreams - Although an Airstream is an aluminum travel trailer, it is used here as a metaphor for the physical and energetic ‘body’ that is sometimes identified as body and soul

Attention - At-ten-tion is a word that holds the construct, spell, and suggestion of ‘10’.  The word indicates the direction of an individual fractionalized souls focus, as well as a wills ability to provide, send, and place information and desire within another soul, who then consciously or unconsciously chooses to allow that information to IN FORM within them.

Bathrooms - A closed-in area that limits the awareness that our real essence is the ‘creator’ and interpreter of other Wills ‘creations’, rather than the creation of the creators. This does not infer we believe our temporal ‘selves’ are not the creation of a more complex Will.

Buses - Belief systems that impart a set of perceptive filters.

Captain, sailors - terms that describe possible labels we give ourselves while navigating the relative dualistic journey.

Church of the vacant - Those who subscribe to ANY belief system as if it is not a transient tool to play with upon our approval, including; religion, science, and intellectualism.

Crutches - Refers to the semantic usage in language, as well as societal structures and institutions that we support so as to retain our perception and comfort in the status quo.

Entranced/Trance - Used to indicate any-thing, or any thought, belief system, or perception that is symptom of small-self. We do not ascribe value or worth to such state, just varying levels of awareness that accompany its depth. The trance state is associated with word, spells, mind, ego, things, belief, thought-forms, egregores, god-forms, creation, and perception.

Flood - A metaphor alluding to the Absolute and the essential nature.

Journey/Travels - represents instances of desire that have been collated into memory and experience in time and space. Journeys only happen in the ‘soul-scape’, where the playground of duality is in motion and trance.

Lord mechanic - is a term that alludes to the distinctions we make that reinforce our view, lock in aspects of our ego, and give our power away.

Map - a metaphor for what we perceive and experience after our expectations, programming, and unquestioned suggested assumptions are overlaid.

Miles to the Next Road Stop sign - symbolizes future anticipation within the temporal trance state.

National Parks System of Reality - a set of creations suggested to you in concert by higher-wills.

Overalls - An item of clothing that represents the aspects of the personality that are thought of as being the real you, but are nothing but symptoms of an experience. 

Perception - Defined as the process of observing that occurs only within dualistic, relative playgrounds. Perception is created by filters and templates that guide the observer into belief systems of consent.

Reflections - All interpretations of senses, as well as thought-forms (see def) including scientific theories, social conventions, religious and political dogmas, that we incorrectly perceive and believe to exist outside our own and others thought creation.

Roadway/Road/Travels - Any combination in any order of any-thing or things including time, space, concepts, experiences, objects, distinctions, categories or sections of matter or energy that ‘exist’ solely as a symptom of the thought process. 

Road - Represents a path travelled by many souls.

Sand - Inconvenient reminders that bring challenge to belief systems we have used to inflame our ego.

Sitting on Blocks - refers to the state of what is considered ‘the body’, when it is in inaction or in the state of deterioration. 

Soul - The temporal energy body component of the temporal matter body. A false dichotomy term used to imply a ‘spiritual’ side of the ‘body’ when in fact both are constructions of thought (not necessarily created by the human ‘brain’).  

Steeple of Time - in a statement that refers to the consideration of ‘time’ as if it’s a perception and reality beyond our own fractionalized soul’s creation and consent.

Suspenders - A pair of latched belts that hold our clothing in place. In this case, the metaphor is referring to those belief systems that we utilize to retain our perceptive distinctions of body and soul.

Temporal Landscape - An image, a sensation, a thing, or experience that comes and goes but is sensed by souls who have consented to its solidity, regardless of its actual transience.

Thought - From the absolute vantage, the first distinction is thought.

Time - A symptom of thought and conjured distinctions, engendered from higher Wills, and co-created by the unquestioned premise of complicit observers. 

Tourist - One who subscribes to one or more belief systems.

Viewpoint - a metaphor that connects the moment a ‘tourist’ gets out of a bus, and looks around their surrounding without the filters of their viewing windows (perceptions build from desire, thought, and prior consent). A moment in space & time that lends a slightly different perception than normally experienced.

Window/Windshield - A metaphor of the field of perception that our own and others journey’s are perceived. The window is partially characterized by the ‘brain’ (process of observing) AND the temporal (see def) energy which the brain subjectively interprets into its own ‘reality’. Window/Windshield are analogies for any thought, set of thoughts, or beliefs that ‘color or discolor’ the perception of other ‘things’ and ‘experiences’ that higher wills have created.

Wipers - A metaphor for anything removing or minimizing perceptive filters, including belief systems and trance states.


Perceptive time is a created form by other Wills you’d forgot you’ve given consent.

The soul is but a perceptive window, a place of filters, the process of observing.

To understand the nature of time, one must know what perception is, and ‘how’ it is created.

See this social icon list in the original post